Centre Directors

Speech and Hearing Research Group

Professor Hain is a world leader in speech recognition. He heads the LivePerson Centre for Speech and Language Technology and is a Fellow of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)

"Talking and listening, understanding and expressive communication are skills that we all have. To this day we struggle to build machines that come close to human abilities. 

"To explore and invent methods that allow us to recognise what is spoken, to understand, transform and interpret human communication has been the focus of my research. I am interested in machine learning methods that allow us to model communication and interaction, to be able to help people communicate, learn, and engage with new technology."

Examples of possible topics for supervision include: 

Natural Language Processing Research Group

Professor Gaizauskas is internationally known for his research on information extraction and text mining, temporal information processing, question answering and summarisation.

"Can we build we build computer programs that understand human language? This question is of interest from both a cognitive science and linguistic perspective, and from an applied engineering perspective. 

"What are the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic mechanisms available in human languages and how do intentional agents deploy them to communicate and accomplish goals in the world? 

"How can we use our current, partial understanding of NLP to engineer applications that help people to gain better access to information in massive amounts of textual data and to dynamically interact with intelligent agents via NL dialogue?"

Example of possible topics for supervision include: 

Independent Advisory Board

Professor Tanja Schultz (chair)

Bremen University, Germany

Professor Ted Briscoe

Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, United Arab Emirates

Professor Yannis Stylianou

Apple, UK and University of Crete, Greece

Professor Hugo van Hamme

KU Leuven, Belgium

Professor Massimo Poesio

Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), UK and University of Utrecht, Netherlands

Emeritus Independent Advisory Board Members

Professor David Weir

Sussex University, UK

Professor Hervé Bourlard

Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland

Research Supervisors and Associated Academics

Professor Nikos Aletras


Research interests: 

Professor Jon Barker


Research interests: 

Dr Loïc Barrault

Visiting Academic and external supervisor

Research interests: 

Professor Kalina Bontcheva


Research interests: 

Professor Guy Brown


Research interests: 

Professor Heidi Christensen


Research interests: 

Professor Hamish Cunningham


Research interests: 

Dr Stefan Goetze

Visiting Academic and external supervisor

Research interests: 

Dr Yoshi Gotoh


Research interests: 

Professor Phil Green

Director of Studies and Chair of CDT Content Planning Group (CPG) 

Research interests: 

Dr Mark Hepple


Research interests: 

Professor Chenghua Lin

Visiting Academic and external supervisor

Research interests: 

Dr Diana Maynard


Research interests: 

Professor Roger Moore


Research interests: 

Dr Nafise Sadat Moosavi


Research interests: 

Dr Anton Ragni

Supervisor and CDT Content Planning Group (CPG) member

Research interests: 

Dr Carolina Scarton

Supervisor and CDT Content Planning Group (CPG) member

Research interests: 

Dr Xingyi Song


Research interests: 

Dr Mark Stevenson

Supervisor and CDT Content Planning Group (CPG) member

Research interests: 

Professor Aline Villavicencio

Visiting Academic and external supervisor 

Research interests: 

Dr Xi Wang


Research interests: 

Dr Cass Zhixue Zhao


Research interests: 

Management Team

Dr Stuart Wrigley

Operations and Business Development Manager

Lizzie Pass

CDT Administrator